Accessing Results

When your job finishes, you will get an email.

Email title example: Slurm Job_id=1234567 Name=example Ended, Run time 05:24:03, COMPLETED, ExitCode 0


  • See Uploading files to Unity for details on how to download anything saved to your Unity folder

  • Any output that would have been displayed in your terminal will be saved in a file called slurm-#######.out

  • Any output that would be saved to your disk will be saved wherever you ran the program


  • If you see something other than ExitCode 0, your program did not exit successfully

    • Check the slurm-#######.out file to try to find the issue

  • ExitCode 0 does not mean the program ran without errors

    • If there is a compile error or you forgot to upload inputs, you still may get ExitCode 0